I am a 45 year old American living in Albania. I am married and have children so I am not looking for a wife but a lady that I can get to know and see Albania through her eyes. I will help you learn english and you can help me learn your language. I will be working here for the next 3-5 years. I will do everything possible to make you the happiest you have ever been in your entire life. I will value your company more than you can imagine and we can share the adventure of a lifetime together and develop a frienndship that may last a lifetime. I will not lie to you to trick you, I think If that was my plan, I would not tell you that I am happily married with children. My name is Sander. I will be the best friend you have ever had. My wife lives in Panama and the United States and is fine with this as she is Bi Sexual and has a girlfriend as well. I promise when we are together 100% OF MY FOCUS WILL BE ON MAKING YOU THE HAPPIEST YOU HAVE EVER BEEN. Just because my wife is bi-sexual does not mean you have to be since my main objective is friendship. If nature takes its course and a strong level of passion develops that one day explodes, then it will be something truly beautiful since our relationship will always be built on open trust and honesty.I hope to hear from you soonn.