Nice restaurant, lot of talking, listening what we have to say to each other.
How many kids would you like to have?
Don't know yet. It depends witha a peRson.
What do your friends tease you about the most?
I can get a lot of attention.And being Hot.
What gets on your nerves?
When people don't keep their word.
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Passion and Dedication. you have to Bring it...
What turns you off?
When a woman is trying to be something she is not. YoU can't pLease fake charm, It comes naturally. You have To try And be youRself, not somethIng you dont Know to BE, Having something you want it means being Leary aboUt it, cLearIng your mind and coming AT a ponint where you feel Grand, Masterful, Adorable, Intense, Leary and everything that COMes with it.